tisdag 20 september 2011


Commission for my friend :)

onsdag 14 september 2011



Commissioned for a friend :)

måndag 12 september 2011


Time for some personal art. And whats better then Simba?

And the work in progress for those who's interested.

torsdag 8 september 2011


At least I've got something to do at work when there's nothing else to do.

onsdag 7 september 2011


It's been a while since I drew Kattja so I felt it was time for that now. I have changed her colors a bit. Made the color inside her ears a bit darker brown and her eyes lighter blue.

I am also offering these as commissions. So $15 for a headshot/icon picture of a character of your choice. Send me an email or post a comment here if your interested. My email is kamirah@live.se